Prof. Alberto Oliverio

Foreign Students

Academic Year 2016-2017



What it is A course for the students of Neurobiologia (6 CFU) Please note that lectures will be in English.

When Second quarter AA 2017-2018

Program 1. Mind-Brain relationships. CNS evolution. EEG and imaging. 2. Biological approaches to the Mind. Individual and species differences: Genes and behavior. 3. CNS phylogeny and ontogeny: from the spinal cord to cortical structures. Spinal reflexes, species-specific behaviors, imprinting, memory and learning. Motor functions: from basal ganglia to motor cortex. - Cerebral cortex: Hemispheric functions, cortical areas.. - Spinothalamic pathways. 4. The limbic system and emotions. 5. CNS postnatal development. Nervous plasticity: From early stages to the adult. Memory as a form of plasticity. Sex and the brain. CNS and aging.


Watson e Breedlove: Il cervello e la mente, Zanichelli (Ask for a copy at the library) (Please note that this text also exists in English) (You may also choose another similar textbook)

Online: Click on the link Esplora il cervello to have access to the lectures (in Italian).

Lectures  From Thursday, March 1st at 9.00 am Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00, Lecture room B, Fisiologia Generale Building

Tutoriung Tuesday 11-12 and Thursday 11-12 (click HERE to locate my room)

Exams scheduyle    
Exams at 9,00 am, anti-aula A, ground floor of Fisiologia Generale, Must book with INFOSTUD

Materiale didattico:

Here you will find 29 PPT files with the schemes of the lectures. Click "HERE".

Students may download scientific readings at: Identify yourself as: USER: Student password: STUDENT. Click on the folder "File Station" and after on "Public", "Oliverio", "Letture studenti".Choose a file and download it. At the end logout

Laurea specialistica in Neurobiologia: clicca QUI

Email: alberto chiocciola oliverio punto it